Well. Really?

I have run into controversy in my time as a silversmith. I have been told to stop making. Work has been intentionally damaged during an exhibition. I have even been taken to one side and given a severe telling off.

For me, this is a delight; I’m not interested in playing safe, conforming or producing what we already know. History and traditions are essential to recognise and acknowledge. However, there is a need to discover and offer something different.

Well. Really? Yes. Absolutely!


2010 & 2024

One tradition of silversmithing I still love is; repurposing, reusing and the opportunity to adapt existing works.

For me, everything has the potential to be material and my works never become sacred after completion.

Work is exhibited and sometimes comes back to the workshop. After a while, old objects land back on the bench for some serious re-modification. This is why Hullabaloo is in “Well. Really!” because for many I’m stepping over the line.

Material   Brass, Lead
Dimensions   35 x 15 x 30cm
Year   2020 & 2024
Location Available


Almost every free-standing object has a bottom of sorts. I love the idea of objects not being well-behaved, compliant or obedient. Here the peachy buttocks are raised and in the viewer’s face. To open the pot you have to grab it with two hands – way too cheeky!

Material   Pewter & Silverplate
Dimensions   15 x 10 x 16cm
Year   2024

Double Trouble

As a twin, it’s important to see Holy Moly and Posh Totty side by side. And what a treat. A visual feast to amuse and spark curiosity. A collision of materials, forms and decoration. A truly contemporary Cabinet of Curiosities.

Holy Moly & Posh Totty
Material   Silverplate, Ceramics, Pewter, Steel, Wax, Electroformed Copper
Dimensions   40 x 30 x 100cm
Year   2024


When is there too much making and when is there not enough?


A classic tin bucket with ‘gold’ belcher chain, bought from the Elephant and Castle market, sadly no longer with us. Put together with minimal making, almost none, it’s more of an assembly. It’s a bit of a joke for some people, but it’s a delight for others.


Material   Tin Bucket, ‘Gold’ Chain
Dimensions  40 x 40 x 50cm
Year   2012

Image of a classic tin bucket with an attached gold bulcher chain.
Image of a victorian silver bowl baked in the oven gas mark 2, for 12 hours in a brine solution. The result is a caked object that slowly corrodes in time


Baked in an oven Gas mark 2 for 12 hours. What appears is a ‘caked’ piece of silver. As the salt corrodes and pits silver, the rules and regulations are broken, presenting the dilemma of what you value? The silver or the journey of seeing this piece disintegrate slowly over time.

Material   Sterling Silver, Common Table Salt
Dimensions   12 x 7 x 7cm
Year   2020
Location Private Collection UK


These were all meticulously made, then dropped from a 12-foot ladder and finished off by gravity showing the pieces vulnerable side; split, bruised, ruptured, and dented. Metal is viewed as hard, resilient and long-lasting, however, it also holds many more vulnerable characteristics that need exploring.


One Day My Plinth Will Come
Material   Silver Plate, Lead
Dimensions   8 x 15 x 6cm
Year   2009

Image of a series of perfectly formed lead objects. All dropped from a 12 foot ladder and the solder seams split, burst, rupture showing the vulnerable side of metal